Our Beers
The Perfect Brews To Celebrate The Lake Life

Glen Lake IPA
Floral citrus, sun and fun characterize this American IPA. Flavorful and aromatic, smooth yet assertive with a diverse arrangement of six hop varieties, it’s almost as fun as a day on either Glen Lake!

Lakeside Light
A light-bodied, straw-colored ale that is crisp, clean, and refreshing, yet soft and balanced. It’s as easy to enjoy as a sunny day at the lake!

Northport IPA
This northern IPA, like the cool colors of the Aurora Borealis, is a mosaic of hop varieties, yielding abundant and complex flavor and aroma with a balanced bitterness. Definitely flavor to savor!

Second Set Pale Ale
An all-night Pale Ale! For those looking to enjoy substantial hop presence in an ale that won’t put you down for the count, we proudly offer a pale ale with the chops to hang with anyone, and a lower gravity so you can make it through the show, to the afterparty!

An approachable brown ale that offers smooth drinkability with a notable malt character.

And here are our new 16oz cans which are now available in selected stores.
A full list of participating retailers will follow soon.

Come on In!
See us for a tasting, with pints,
growlers, and kegs available
For now by appointment only.
(231) 590-8507
1974 Cass-Hartman Ct., Suite C,
Traverse City, MI 49685